Don’t forget to make it a point to enjoy the Holiday season.
- Manage your stress by being organized, plan in 1 or 2 hour blocks of time so you succeed in getting things done.
- Make special time to enjoy immediate family, extended family and friends.
- Do something special for yourself.
- Buy gift cards or things online if shopping is too stressful.
- Leave time to exercise.
- Get plenty of sleep.
- Make time to do something you love during the season.
- Watch a good Holiday movie.
- Resist being Wonder woman or Superman and share the chores.
- Tell important people how much they mean to you and allow them to reciprocate.
- Most of all have a wonderful, stress free Holiday Season and I’ll talk with you in the New Year!
If you need me help is just a phone call away. Call Dr. Goschi now at (312)595-1787 or email me at