Dr. Goschi's Blog

Sex Addiction not just for Men

Dr Goschi Sexual Addiction CounsellingWhen we talk about sex addiction pictures arise in our mind of men, especially, with the #me too movement. However, women also struggle with sexual addiction. We do not think of the female sexual addict because cultural stereotypes portray women as not liking sex. Sexual issues in women tend to present as related to other conflicts. Therapists traditionally view female’s sexual acting out as a symptom of their diagnosis rather than a problem itself.

While a diagnosis of Bipolar will include inappropriate sexual behavior, the disorder can mask
the sexual addiction. Women often deny sexual addiction issues. They frame their conflict
exclusively as related to relationship problems. Thus, as a group female sexual addicts tend to
be more difficult to recognize and treat. Not many women seek individual therapy for “sexual

While female sexual addicts seek treatment for other issues it is only during individual therapy
that the sexual addiction becomes apparent. Comorbid issues such as; eating disorders,
alcoholism, drug addiction, depression or anxiety also mask the sex addiction. However, the
above mentions problems intricately connect to the woman’s sex addiction.

Females don’t admit their sexual addictions also because of the societal shame associated with
sexual acting out in women. These individuals are described by others as “whores,” “sluts,” or
“nymphomaniacs” who then hide their behavior rather than dealing with the negative labels.

Both married and single women exhibit sexual addictions. The two groups demonstrate some
similar reasons for engaging in sexual addictive behaviors but also some divergent ones. Single
women may long for a relationship while simultaneously being relationship avoidant. They may
find themselves unable to tolerate being alone instead always seeking a partner. Lastly, some
single women use sex as a means of self-medication to help with their intense emotional

Married women at risk for acting out sexually complain about feeling underappreciated,
rejected, or ignored by their partners. They exhibit terrible relationships with their husbands
and search outside the marriage for intimacy and sexual fulfillment. Both groups of female
addicts use sex to remedy their loneliness, boredom or sense of emptiness.

The reasons single or married women become addicted to sex are very complicated. Individual
treatment can help you find your way back to a more fulfilling existence with true intimacy and
better self-esteem. If you think you may be a sexual addict, please call to schedule your
individual therapy appointment today. Dr. Goschi can be reached at (312)595-1787 or by email
at barbara@drgoschi.com

Sex Addiction and Pornography

The authors Ogas and Gaddam of the 2011 book, “A Billion Wicked Thoughts,” outline some alarming facts. This book highlights not only the explosion of pornography sites but an alarming rise in pornography addiction. The sharp increase in sexual addiction/pornography addiction interferes with healthy sexual functioning. According to the authors, only 90 porn magazines were available for purchase in 1991. By 1997 the web introduced some 900 porn sites. Today, the number of porn sites has exploded to over 2.5 million. This disturbing trend has profound implications for children, adults of every age, relationships, and marriages.

Couples of all ages often seek therapy due to a sexless relationship/marriage. It’s alarming to have a couple in their 30’s complain they haven’t had sex in 2 years. When the therapist digs a little deeper they find out that one of the partners obsessively uses pornography while masturbating each time (even several times a day). The partner simply doesn’t understand, instead, he or she perceives the excessive porn usage as infidelity.

Women are not exempt from engaging in on line pornography. They may be sexually acting out on line by hooking up with someone they meet on a virtual site. However, it seems more common for women to be “addicted” to the online sex chat rooms or the gaming sights including sexually explicit avatars. These women seek romance or to express an alternate self.

Overall, men and women have become susceptible to the seductive nature of online pornography. The implications for their lives is profound. Young men spend hours surfing the web for the perfect sexual fantasy isolating themselves from friends and family. Some men lose their jobs as they cannot stop themselves from engaging in pornographic searches at the office. Women run off with men that they’ve met online only to be disappointed and disenfranchised from their families afterward. They sometimes find themselves in dangerous situations from which they find it impossible to escape. Their family and friends disown them making it impossible to “get their old life back.” We tend to judge women more harshly than their male counterparts.

Individual or couples therapy as well as a 12 step support group is very helpful in pulling these individuals out of their addictive behavior. If you or a loved one struggles with pornography addiction call for help today. You can reach Dr. Goschi at (312) 595-1787 or barbara@drgoschi.com