The buzz words out of Washington today are all about cutting back on Entitlements. It isn’t significant whether I agree or disagree. What strikes me about this struggle is deeper than just budget cuts. Let’s face it, any of us who run a household know how to do budget cuts. However, it seems to me a metaphor of deeper psychological issues with which a large portion of our society suffer from. It is known as feelings of entitlement. Let me explain.
Dr. Goschi's Blog
Live Sex Demonstration Proof of our Boundary Issues
Northwestern University’s undergraduate Human Sexuality class “offered” students a live demonstration of exhibitionism. I believe that most individuals are shaking their heads upon hearing the news. I wonder what caused Professor Bailey’s poor judgement and the school mistakinly endorsing this demonstration. I’m afraid that this incident simply highlights the rampant pathology expressed by our culture, in particular, lack of boundaries and “anything goes mentality.” To be sure this ideology is a slippery slope. I wrote earlier about social networks and in some ways this demonstration highlights the lack of boundaries so many individuals exhibit. It reminds me of a live feed of a woman who simply filmed herself all day long and put the feed up on the Internet. She filmed herself doing everything even using the bathroom. And, it is amazing to me how many people watched.